First of all, this post will not reveal spoilers or teasers, so don't worry.
Second of all, if you have not watched seasons 1 and 2, what are you waiting for?! Get on it! Sweep that Netflix leg and wax off back to your youth and enjoy some great nostalgia.
Now that part is out of the way. What is the purpose of the title and what does a tv show have to do with my normal topics or blogs.
I was excited to finally sit down and watch the show. What I wasn't expecting was analyzing the depths of the characters and their stories and how it is relatable to everyone. In almost every good story, there is always a clear antagonist and protagonist. Always a clear bad guy/good guy element but this show was different. I found myself rooting for one person one minute and rooting for the other person the next. The constant ping pong match of "Where does my loyalty lie" kept messing with me and I kept getting deeper into the characters and the story.
Two generations of characters, guys and girls, assumed good and evil and at the very core of every character, I realized something. They all had something in common.
They were all broken.
All of them. Every single character had something about them that was defeating, saddening, maddening. Whether it was obstacles, roadblocks, bad relationships, absentee members, bullying, etc. they all had something in their past and that made me realize something. Every single person out there is broken somehow.
You, reading this right now, you have been broken before. You had something happen to you where it made you question your value, your worth, you ability to overcome. You have questioned a relationship, whether it was family, love or friendship. You have had someone hurt you somehow. You have struggled in some way whether it was financially, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, educationally, etc.
You are broken my friend.
But don't misconstrue that this is a post that will make you down and out, sad and make you obsess over those events in your life. Nope, don't do it. I will metaphorically "paint the house" on your face to knock that mindset out of you!
The purpose is to recognize it as a part of your history. Those moments have shaped you to the person you are reading this at this very moment. Some of you might still be struggling as a result of those moments. Some of you are realizing how far you have come from overcoming. Wherever you are on the spectrum of how it defined you, you are right where you need to be at this exact moment. If you are on the overcoming side. Take a moment right now and count your blessings. Think about how you felt back then and how much you are slaying in life right now.
If you are on the opposite end and you are struggling right now, then you needed to read this at this very moment. Whether you are religious, spiritual, all of the above or non of the above, this was meant for you in this exact moment. You have two options right now. You can keep feeling sorry for yourself or you can decide in this moment, right now, that you want some kind of change. The choice is yours and there is someone out there right now who wrote this for you to hear. Reach out to me if you need a boost, someone to talk to. Talk to someone who will lift you up and help you get motivated to brainstorm ideas on what you can do right now, today, to start turning things around.
Being broken is not something to be ashamed of. It is not defeat. It is not weakness. It is a reality for every single person. Some of us may have cracked harder, broken in more places, but none of us are immune from that pain at some point in our life journey.
Although Cobra Kai is a fictional show with fictional storylines (of utter badassery, of course), there is still truth in it that all these broken characters have processed their experiences differently. Some seem to have risen above but when you think they have it all together, something triggers them and then fall backwards a bit. Some went down a darker sadder path and slowly start bettering themselves and at times fall into old habits. You have people who were once bullied, become the very bullies they hated. You have some characters who love other characters and in split moments, everything changes and everything they loved before no longer exists in that moment. We are all human and no one is perfect. We are flawed and there is no way we can ever be even close to perfect all day, every day.
This has made me so much more aware and mindful of strangers I come across everyday in our current situation. I won't talk politics or covid but it has opened my eyes to why people think they way they do, say what they say and do what they do. Its because of how they treat their own broken roads from the past and how it project outwards, often times almost subconsciously where they don't even realize how they are coming across.
When you come across that person who is angry at the grocery store, even if it seems minor, why are they reacting that way? Why did they go from zero to 100 over something you might think is trivial? Because they broke once and something in that moment triggered it.
When you go to the drive thru and find out the person in front of you paid for your meal or coffee and you think how wonderful it was that a complete stranger did that. Guess what? That person was broken and made a decision to pay it forward somehow.
Whether you are with people you know or complete strangers, remember this. The receiving end of your conversation was once broken by something. There is a reason they are the way they are. It doesn't make it right or wrong, it's just what it is, a realization or an aha moment to the world around us and the people existing in it.
We all have scars, some more prominent than others, but again no one is immune. Remember that the next time you find yourself at an impasse with someone of a different view, belief or way of life.
Some days we react like Johnny in a good way.
Some days we react like Johnny in a bad way.
Some days we react like Daniel in a good way.
Some days we react like Daniel in a bad way.
There is no rule book on life. All we can do is learn from our scars, grow from those experiences, become stronger and wiser. Relearn to love or learn to find love.
How we react to the negative things in life determine how our lives will continue to move. How we adapt and change determines how far we will go.
How we treat others when no one is watching is what determines our character.
How we embrace love after love lost determines how we are loved by the future.
I am proud to be broken. I am proud of those scars that have shaped me to who I am today. Those broken pieces now sparkle in the sunlight!
Now that you are done reading, go paint the fence and see what all the hype is about with Cobra Kai!

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